Our game has nearly 21 000 unique visitors per month and over 2 000 000 pageviews. Our advertising impressions are around 1 100 000 / month for the 468x60 banner. Grab the chance to advertise in our high traffic site with our low cost offers. |
Click the links below to check the advertising Options we offer: |
Other Public Pages Diagramm of possible banners |
To advertise in Booty Master site or to request information, please email as at  If you would like to advertise right now we offer the above packages: 1.Use Google Adwords (See the right column for details) 2.Purchase a 15-days-period/30-days-period 468x60 ad in all our playing pages here. 3.15-days/30-days period 468x60 in our index page (top right)Finally, our game seeks a sponsor. Contact us to provide you with more details about this special package. We will be happy to hear any other suggestions you have in mind. |
You can advertise in our site through Google Adwords as well. To do this you must have a Google Adwords account. If you don't have one you can create one by following the link below. Google Adsense is a different program that will enable webmasters to be able to publish Google ads in their sites. We are using this currently. |