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You have chosen "Instant Advertising Service" |
Instant Advertising Service enables you to activate a 15-day 468x60 ad in our index page. Here are the complete specifications:
- -A 468x60 banner of your choice will appear in our index.php page for 15 days.
- -The banner in non-rotating. Meaning that only your banner will be shown.
Regarding the Terms of Use as well as the overall procedure:
- -You will get to choose your banner.
- -You will pay for the service through paypal but your money won't be deducted from you unless the service is confirmed from us.
- -We will review your enquiry and reply within 24 hours. We merely check for the type of the banner and the site you are trying to advertise. Porn-Sites are not accepted. If everything is alright, we will confirm your request and then your money will be transfered to us. At that exact moment, your ad will start showing in our main page until it expires. In case your banner is inappropriate but your site isn't, you will be contacted for solution. In case that your site is inappropriate, the request will be turned down and you will never be charged with anything.
- -In case someone else is currently buying the space, you will be notified and given the option to pre-buy the next 15-days pack at a discounted (-10%) price.
- -Once your payment is accepted and your ad is up and running, there can be no refund. If for some reason however you are not satisfied with our service, you can contact us at
in order to find a solution.
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